A complete and up-to-date Human Resources policy manual is an important tool for every organization. When a company has a policy manual in place, organizational functions are standardized, consistent, and more effective. Most organizations have some version of a policy manual but not all have the right content in their manual. We’ve put together a quick reference checklist to help you figure out what is missing from your company’s policy manual. Let us know if you need help drafting or updating your current human resources policies and procedures.
Company information
Mission and vision statement
Code of Ethics
Organizational chart
Manual Definitions
Employment policies
Job classifications
Hours of work
Break periods
Reporting hours of work
Pay schedule and process
Pay deductions
Benefits information
Health and dental insurance details
Life insurance
Disability insurance
Employee assistance program
Spending account information
Pension information
Paid time off
General holidays
Personal time
Sick time
Leaves of absence
Parental leave
Bereavement leave
Leaves without pay
Other time off
Hiring procedures
Employment equity
Advertisement of vacancies
Interview process
Rehiring former employees
Selection of candidate
Successful and unsuccessful candidates
Disability accommodation
Religious accommodation
Other accommodations
Return to work after leave
Conduct and expectations
Conditions of employment
Workplace etiquette
Unauthorized absences
Conflicts of interest
Cyber conduct
Workplace harassment and bullying
Use of company devices
Use of company social media accounts
Substance use
Tobacco, smoking, and e-cigarettes
Health and safety
Performance management
Job descriptions
Performance evaluation process
Discipline policies
Resignation of employment
Termination of employment
Exit interview
Employee Acknowledgement
Signed acknowledgement form