CBC News recently published a great article about mental illness in the workplace (
http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/mental-illness-in-the-workplace-ask-for-help-early-lawyers-say-1.3093618). The article included some pretty staggering statistics. Specifically, it was noted that mental illness affects 4.2 million employed Canadians and costs the economy up to $50 billion per year. Every employer is affected by mental health, even if they don’t realize it.
Mental health has historically been an issue that many employers ignored or felt uncomfortable dealing with. As our knowledge and understanding of mental health improves, so has employer’s willingness and ability to work towards ensuring a mentally healthy workplace. Increasingly, employers have the ability to really impact the costs associated with mental illness. One important resource that is available to organizations is a program called Mindful Employer (
mindfulemployer.ca). This Canadian based organization works with companies to help them to create and maintain a mentally healthy workplace. They help employers learn to:
- Promote a mentally healthy workplace
- Increase mental health awareness
- Eliminate stigma around mental health and seeking treatment
- Develop manger’s skills in identifying and addressing potential barriers to a mentally healthy workplace
An organization’s managers are one of the single best resources for promoting good mental health in the workplace. More so than the Human Resources department and Senior Executives, managers are right in the trenches with staff members and can learn to identify issues and provide coaching to employees who may be struggling.
Alberta EAP
(Employee Assistance Program) providers, one of our most effective tools for improving employee wellness and employee engagement is providing training sessions and coaching to managers on the topic of mental health in the workplace. Our sessions merge years of experience together with the unique needs of each workplace. We deliver usable tools and strategies that managers can begin to implement immediately. With education and coaching, managers can positively impact employees by:
- Recognizing potential signs and symptoms
- Directing employees to resources such as EAP’s
or Human Resources
- Respectfully keeping in touch during an employee’s absence
- Helping to create and implement successful return to work plans
While issues such as extended leaves of absence or accommodation are not determined by a manager, they can be brought to the forefront in a timely manner when managers are able to have productive conversations with employees around mental health issues. Early intervention can be critical in helping the employee and the employer by facilitating early access to treatment and minimizing benefits cost or disruption to the workplace.
We can provide managers and staff with a wide range of tools through our informative and engaging
workshops. Some of the topics we cover include:
- Mental health in the workplace
- Understanding addiction and supporting your employees in the workplace
- Creating innovative wellness programs
- Employee assistance programs
- Creating emotionally safe workplaces
- Stress management
- Team building
- Leadership training
- Bullying in the workplace and how to deal with it
- Becoming an Employer of Choice by creating a positive workplace
4.2 million employed Canadians. $50 billion in annual costs. Mental health is affecting every
workplace. But you can do something about it today. Contact us to book a workshop for your organization.